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yes, the models.py file is the latest.

Where do I set the debug bit?

Also - I noticed that If I click on any of the forums (/board/show/1/) from the forum homepage, the last post is displayed as "At
By Anonymous " - so the datestamp isn't showing up and Sphene thinks the user is Anonymous (even thought I have no anonymous users and when I view the thread all the usernames are correct.)

PS I'm using Revision 374...

--- Last Edited by erikcw at 2007-11-05 20:45:57 ---
homepage, the last post is displayed as "At
By Anonymous " - so the datestamp isn't showing up and Sphene thinks the user is
this is indeed quite strange.. my guess is that the thread information model was not generated correctly.

can you enter your database and do a query like: select * from sphboard_threadinformation where root_post_id = 36;
(if the link you get is saying 36) ..

you should at least have some results.. if not you can also do a: select * from sphboard_threadinformation limit 5;

the important thing is that post_count is correct .. (and thread_latest_postdate)

maybe you could try runing the maintenance script again:

echo -e "from sphene.community.signals import trigger_maintenance\ntrigger_maintenance()" | ./manage.py shell --plain

--- Last Edited by Herbert Poul at 2007-11-05 21:39:38 ---
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
mysql> select * from sphboard_threadinformation where root_post_id = 30;
| id | root_post_id | category_id | thread_type | heat | heat_calculated     | sticky_value | latest_post_id | post_count | view_count | thread_latest_postdate |
| 13 |           30 |           2 |           1 |  -80 | 2007-11-05 17:04:28 |            0 |             31 |          2 |          4 | 2007-10-14 15:11:02    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Everything looks right in the query to me.

Also still getting the 404 on ?page=0 issue.

could you try adding debugging output to sphenecoll/sphene/sphboard/models.py line 901 - something like:

    print "postcount: %d / paging: %d" % (self.root_post.postCount(), get_sph_setting( 'board_post_paging' ))

and then look at the std out when accessing the page.. hopefully it helps us somehow .. i don't have an idea what's wrong ..
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
Here is what I'm getting.

postcount: 1 / paging: 10
postcount: 1 / paging: 10
postcount: 2 / paging: 10
postcount: 3 / paging: 10
postcount: 7 / paging: 10

Strangely, the ?page=1 issue now seems to be fixed. But the "anonymous" issue is still there....
so .. you no longer have any ?page=0 links ?

and.. if you click on such a link where the author is anonymous.. it says a valid user in the thread view ?
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
The ?page= permalinks are now working correctly (no 404's onclick)

If I click on a forum such as /show/3/ - the "Last Post" column just says
By Anonymous

(it's missing both the time, and the correct post user id)

If I view the thread, the actual user id shows up instead of anonymous....

i'm out of ideas.. maybe you could do a ./manage.py dumpdata > data.dump and send me the data.dump output to herbert.poul@gmail.com .. maybe i can solve it if i can reproduce it..

(this is probably only a good idea if you have no sensitive data in your django installation)

--- Last Edited by Herbert Poul at 2007-11-10 13:37:14 ---
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)

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