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Board » General » Groups, roles, members - how is all this stuff supposed to work?

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cool, thanks a lot again :) it's applied and committed ..

btw. have i asked you before if your website which uses SCT is already available ? :)
and, are there any specific features missing you would like to see in SCT ? (except those you've already implemented like i18n ;) ) .. i'm just thinking about the priorities i should work on next..

Sorry. I must have missed that question. My site is not yet available but I hope it will be soon. I'll post about it then.

Missing features? Hmm... when my site will be published I'll get some experiences. Now SCT has everything I need - this is why I choosed it :) Some things from my __wish list__ are:

1. WebService which will return a portion of recent posts. I'd like to display it on another site in a portlet. I think I'll implement this :)
2. I don't like the way files are attached to posts. But in general it is ok.
3. I'd like SCT to work on newforms-admin branch
4. I need a Blog. Is SCT Blog ready to use?

These are rather wishes than features.
1. WebService which will return a portion of recent posts. I'd like to display it on another site in a portlet. I think I'll implement this :)
hmm.. maybe it would be easier to extend the existing rss feed ? currently it only displays the latest _threads_ .. so .. extending it to have an option to show the latest post .. wouldn't be too difficult ..
depends on how much "special" behavior is required by your portlet.. (although .. in general ... i currently prefer the REST approach (ie. simple http GET requests, with a simple XML response) than a real webservice approach (if you are talking about SOAP-like web services) :) )

2. I don't like the way files are attached to posts. But in general it is ok.

do you mean the UI or the backend ?
@backend: i really hate how django approaches file uploads.. for me ... uploads are _not_ media files :) i require (earlier or later) that uploaded files are secured.. and so i think they should better be stored in the database .. but i currently wait for the "file storage refactoring" which is in the works at django: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/5361 .. before investing any time in looking through the code myself :)

3. I'd like SCT to work on newforms-admin branch

i've never tried the newforms-admin .. does it have any advantages ?

4. I need a Blog. Is SCT Blog ready to use?

To be honest.. it is not :( .. i'm not really a blogger type .. so i'm not really sure what a blog needs in general :) the things i know for sure that are missing .. are .. 1.) tagging (this shouldn't be too hard i guess.. i decided not to go for the django-tagging because i want to separate it based on the Group) 2.) i think i haven't yet committed my blog template(s) 3.) having a nicer "details" view of blog entries (currently it's the default show-threads template) 4.) some archive functionality where blog posts can be viewed grouped by month or something

thanks for your feature-wish-list :)
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
hmm.. maybe it would be easier to extend the existing rss feed ? currently it only displays the latest _threads_ .. so .. extending it to have an option to show the latest post .. wouldn't be too difficult ..
RSS feed? In fact, I've seen something about RSS in... err.. urls.py? I must take a deeper look on this.

depends on how much "special" behavior is required by your portlet.. (although .. in general ... i currently prefer the REST approach (ie. simple http GET requests, with a simple XML response)

XML or JSON response... yes REST is exactly what I think about :)

than a real webservice approach (if you are talking about SOAP-like web services) :) )

and Enterprise Service Bus in the middle ;)

2. I don't like the way files are attached to posts. But in general it is ok.
do you mean the UI or the backend ?

UI. I mean uploading files before posting a message. It looks that the files will be always uploaded to the server even if a user rejects posting a message. I'd prefer dynamically created fields: after a user chooses a file a new file input is shown. Everything (files and message) is posted after a user clicks "Post".

3. I'd like SCT to work on newforms-admin branch
i've never tried the newforms-admin .. does it have any advantages ?

I have never used old admin so it is hard to make a comparison. I use newforms-admin because it is newforms based so I can easily play with the code (I have never used old forms :)).
An important thing is that old admin is dead - no changes are accepted.

4. I need a Blog. Is SCT Blog ready to use?
To be honest.. it is not :( .. i'm not really a blogger type .. so i'm not really sure what a blog needs in general :) the things i know for sure that are missing .. are .. 1.) tagging (this shouldn't be too hard i guess.. i decided not to go for the django-tagging because i want to separate it based on the Group) 2.) i think i haven't yet committed my blog template(s) 3.) having a nicer "details" view of blog entries (currently it's the default show-threads template) 4.) some archive functionality where blog posts can be viewed grouped by month or something

Ok, thanks for the answer.

thanks for your feature-wish-list :)

Thans for SCT!
RSS feed? In fact, I've seen something about RSS in... err.. urls.py? I must take a deeper look on this.
yep :) probably in sphene/sphboard/urls.py

UI. I mean uploading files before posting a message. It looks that the files will be always uploaded to the server even if a user rejects posting a message. I'd prefer dynamically created fields: after a user chooses a file a new file input is shown. Everything (files and message) is posted after a user clicks "Post".

what i would really like to see is a gmail-like system which would automatically upload attachments in the background and immediately adds the attachments - maybe even with a 'draft' system.. where users could come back later and finish their posts..
but.. yes.. currently if a user would upload a file, and then never hit 'Post' they will never be deleted.. i guess i require a cleanup method earlier or later..

4. I need a Blog. Is SCT Blog ready to use?

fyi - i just committed a couple of improvements.. tagging is now possible, and all templates are committed.. including a special template for the 'show thread'. it won't look all that great with the default template.. but it should be enough to adapt the CSS to make it usable ..
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)

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