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Board » General » Installing sphboard

I am newbe in django apps and linux.

Could you please tell me, step by step, how to install sphboard in my django app?
I use MySql database and latest django svn release.
Szymon Musioł said @ 2009-05-20 16:34:40:
I am newbe in django apps and linux.

Could you please tell me, step by step, how to install sphboard in my django app?
I use MySql database and latest django svn release.
See djangoproject.com Tutorial 1 2 3 4 and about sphboard exist tutorial in section documentation
if you are new to django and SCT i would suggest you take a look at the community draft project. the page walks you through setting up a whole new django project.. just checkout communitytools and communitydraft.. and follow the guide. if you encounter any problems, let me know :)
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
Ok, thanks.
I installed the forum:) But now I have another problem, with css styles. I have SCT apps in project/sphenecoll/sphene/ folder. There is community/, contrib/, generic/, sphboard/, sphwiki/ and __init__.py. Templates are in these folders.

All catalogs from static folder I`ve putted into project/media/sphene/. I have to have them in this folder.

I also have my own base.html file in folder project/templates.

What should I change in configuration right now?

--- Ostatnio edytowane 2009-05-21 09:37:41 przez Szymon Musioł ---
Szymon Musioł said @ 2009-05-21 09:35:35:
Ok, thanks.
I installed the forum:) But now I have another problem, with css styles. I have SCT apps in project/sphenecoll/sphene/ folder. There is community/, contrib/, generic/, sphboard/, sphwiki/ and __init__.py. Templates are in these folders.

All catalogs from static folder I`ve putted into project/media/sphene/. I have to have them in this folder.

I also have my own base.html file in folder project/templates.

What should I change in configuration right now?

--- Ostatnio edytowane 2009-05-21 09:37:41 przez Szymon Musioł ---
It depends on your configuration but probably you just want to put something like that to your base.html:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}sphene/community/styles/base.css" />
I did it, but now my site looks like in file

Is it correct?

--- Ostatnio edytowane 2009-05-21 09:57:05 przez Szymon Musioł ---
Szymon Musioł said @ 2009-05-21 09:56:44:
I did it, but now my site looks like in file

Is it correct?

--- Ostatnio edytowane 2009-05-21 09:57:05 przez Szymon Musioł ---
I'm not sure, but default styles are rather simple so it is probably ok. I can also see "folder" icons so images are loaded properly. You can:
1. look into source of your page to see the url generated for your css file, then copy and paste it in the address bar of your browser to check if it is loaded properly
2. install firebug plugin to firefox to have your work with css simplified (imho it's a must for a webdeveloper)
what exactly are you using? the CommunityDraft application from scratch, or have you integrated the forum into an existing project? if you are using CommunityDraft it should actually look quite similar to this site..
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)

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