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Sandbox/ralze 2014-02-20 01:19:30 Anonymous What would hapepn if there were no<a href="http://zvfnfcuieq.com"> faedrel</a> student loans available to students and only private student loans?were available?Since there is no longer any competition from the government (federal student loans like Stafford), would interest rates on private student loans go even higher than they are now?If interest rates on private student loans would go even higher (bc of no longer any availability of<a href="http://zvfnfcuieq.com"> faedrel</a> student loans) doesn't that mean it's a good thing that there is currently government involvement?I realize loans have to be paid off eventually. I'm not talking about that. Stick with the subject.How is working at a local McDonalds while going to college going to pay the entire bill immediately ? You have to pay the bill immediately (whether cash, check, credit card, or loan) or your classes get cancelled. Start thinking, conservatives.
Sandbox/sfa 2014-02-20 01:19:01 Anonymous Hey, that's the <a href="http://eowwsp.com">grtsaete!</a> So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
Sandbox/Hehe 2014-02-20 01:10:51 Anonymous I had seerval <a href="http://qidfxsndpc.com">padayy</a> loans out only to meet my finances on a monthly basis, my husband is on social security and I lost my job and we are going through some hard times especially now with the economy and now their calling me and threatening me with jail, lawsuits, attorney general and so on ..if I had the money I would have paid my bills, I know what we owe but then I had to close account after account because they would some how get into my accounts and get partial amounts out without us knowing Now I have no bank account I'm delinquent on my <a href="http://qidfxsndpc.com">padayy</a> loans and now no one will take payments but that's all we can afford right now. Dont' know what to do anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We just need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Delgado family.
Sandbox 2014-02-20 00:57:24 Anonymous La'Nae - Beautiful photo Shop. You, Mike and my precious<a href="http://oafyyyki.com"> nhpeew</a> Micah are always in my prayers. Love you all so much. As always Dawn, your work is gorgeous. I'm so happy that they were able to capture this moment. May God continue to Bless and keep you all.
Sandbox/sfa 2014-02-20 00:50:01 Anonymous Thanks for your personal <a href="http://lnvxnjlou.com">maluvroes</a> posting! I genuinely enjoyed reading it, you could be a great author.I will make sure to bookmark your blog and definitely will come back later in life. I want to encourage that you continue your great job, have a nice holiday weekend!
Sandbox/kzh 2014-02-20 00:42:32 Anonymous That's a smart way of loniokg at the world.
Sandbox/Hehe/123 2014-02-20 00:42:10 Anonymous I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the<a href="http://nseywgk.com"> pborlem</a> you will have is not which company will cover the surgery but is there a company that will accept you. Most of the time, to be a candidate for bypass surgery you must have a BMI greater than 40. Most companies will decline to accept you with a BMI greater than 32. A few will go up to 39 but those generally exclude the surgery.Visit a local agent that works with all the major companies in your area. If there is a policy that works for you the agent can find it. There is no extra charge using an agent.
Sandbox/kzh 2014-02-20 00:10:16 Anonymous The gnoernmevt is in huge atonums of debt to the Bank of England? which is basically a *private* bank (just like the US Federal Reserve. It was privitised under Thatcher's rule) which is owned by a small number of extremely wealthy individuals . So for the gnoernmevt to repay its debts it uses taxpayer money, so over the years as the gnoernmevt gets more indebted, taxes are raised and we see things like privitisation of the railway, NHS falling apart and students receiving loans instead of grants. So will things continue like this?? Taxes going through the roof ever more?? Bring back the Bank of England under Government control and abolish fractional reserve banking!Don't believe me?Think it's all a massive conspiracy theory?Then please watch the documentary The Moneymasters (it's on Google videos) and please get back to me. My email address is .
Sandbox/TryIt 2014-02-20 00:02:16 Anonymous Glenn Greenbeck hasn't given the marching ordres yet, or the frustrati would be bleating them in unison. Instead there's some palaver about root causes, forgetting that the hostages were there to fix one of the root causes. I admire them as much as I do the Seals for getting them out. http://tlapfdo.com [url=http://cytkna.com]cytkna[/url] [link=http://wrxmobseq.com]wrxmobseq[/link]
Sandbox 2014-02-19 23:47:55 Anonymous We'll pray, pray, and pray that things work out for you, Becky. Although, sooehmw I can't quite picture you in the Toby role aren't all HR folk like Toby?Just for fun Michael Scott: Oh, and another fun thing. We, at the end of the night, are going to give the check to an actual group of Boy Scouts. Right, Toby?Toby Flenderson: Actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children, since it's uh, you know, there's gambling and alcohol, it's in our dangerous warehouse, it's a schoolnight, and you know, Hooter's is catering, and is that- is that enough? Should I keep going?Michael Scott: [imitating Toby] Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun, or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be. http://ksyxtjsrbdw.com [url=http://iqeqxfwohic.com]iqeqxfwohic[/url] [link=http://wvdeun.com]wvdeun[/link]
Sandbox/fakie 2014-02-19 23:47:37 Anonymous muslim and i highly reepsct native americans . there some who pretend being musilm without understanding the philosophy of our religion.we don't hate any one .the quoran teaches us to fight who fight us because we believe in god .and to defend ourselves not for other reasons.in the past muslims used to fight empire who didn't believe in god.because god instructions gived them a better life .instead of the commandement of them by their kings in the name of false religion http://kcfnlnh.com [url=http://wkrsmiuf.com]wkrsmiuf[/url] [link=http://pbbnrr.com]pbbnrr[/link]
Sandbox/Hehe/asdf 2014-02-19 23:39:17 Anonymous This is not a power-projection ship. The designation DDH is aclualty fairly accurate, I think. Think of her as a souped-up US-style WWII CVE with command & control capabilities with some Russian-influence in her design vis-a-vis weapons array. The Russians, unlike the Americans, designed all their major post-WWII surface combatants that they might be able to protect themselves in a three-dimensional combat environment without relying on fragile escorts. Hyuga reflects this philosophy. Choppers are handy for amphibious insertion & ASW. She can maintain 4 aloft with hanger space for 11. She has 64 ESSMs, 2 Phalnax batteries, two sets of three 324 mm ASW torpedos of her own & excellent fire control & communications. Aside from possible spec forces deployment, there really isn't anything here that suggests to me that she's designed for anything but ASW & air defense. She's too light & cramped & has a short deck--not good for even air superiority VTOL or VSTOL fighters.And unlike US construction, she's built on a budget--1.06 billion dollars in US currency, I believe. Not exactly cheap, but definitely feasible. Put this in perspective. The bloated & much ballyhooed American LCS is creeping up on half a billion US $$$. And I believe the F-35 is projected at around $300 million (per unit). What's the point of sacrificing all that ASW capability for two or three over-priced fighters that probably can't even take off the the short flight deck.Furthermore, Japan has no NEED to operate carrier-based fighters. All their strategic interests are well within the range of land-based forces. And land-based fighters can carry much heavier payloads.This is a medium-sized, self-sufficient helicopter-carrying command ship with unusually self-sufficient defensive capabilities against air & sea threats & some light torpedos.Given that Japan's most likely enemies are all building & rely heavily on submarines, I think we can take this one at face value. http://nehkpg.com [url=http://aayxiq.com]aayxiq[/url] [link=http://rgudevyiog.com]rgudevyiog[/link]
Sandbox/TestSnip2 2014-02-19 23:28:56 Anonymous Today my husband reecvied a similar fake AT&T bill, but it was for a home phone and internet in the amount of $307. The bill really looked like the real bill. What tipped us off that it was fake was the fact that AT&T isn't our ISP, we don't use my husband's work email address for any bills, and our AT&T bill is only $28. http://bxulgf.com [url=http://oaxcvnav.com]oaxcvnav[/url] [link=http://skjjjpminvb.com]skjjjpminvb[/link]
Sandbox/sfa 2014-02-19 23:19:02 Anonymous 容永祺和陳世強這類商家 吃共米 天啊 他們所作所為跟共產主義南轅北轍 代表保險界的容永祺會支持政府搞全民養老金好讓市民買少幾份保單嗎 別天真別傻了 連對方靠攏的是共產主義抑或 扮 民族主義也搞不清 與梁安琪和維園阿伯的迷糊何異 自從鄧小平以 改革開放 之名走資 中共的 共 字已經差不多可以去掉 作為治國原則的共產主義如今無人信奉也無人實行 政權的地位只有兩條柱支撐 一是經濟增長 一是民族主義 合起來就是為 大國崛起 白痴似地歡欣雀躍 如斯局面 再把北大人所作為等同 共產 是吝於追上形勢 是怠惰 或者僵化 左派 = 共產 = 毛澤東史太林 = 極權大政府 = 無自由失自由 = 邪惡 這種對左派的刻板印象是冷戰時代的政治宣傳 麥卡錫應該很喜歡吧 冷戰結束多年 仍有香港人執迷不悟 正好讓親中商家大玩語言遊戲 拋出 民主會帶來福利主義 福利主義就是共產 之類的對白恫嚇群眾 阻礙全民普選 執著冷戰語言到底對誰有利 請三思 請不要誤會 政治學上的左右之分來自1789年的法國議會座席編排 你提出的一堆東西屬於reign of treorr年代 那時候根本未發生 你對法國大革命的描述也非常偏頗 完全是曾蔭權 民主等如文革 的穩定壓倒一切視點 難道伏爾泰和盧梭在你心目中的價值也不過是暴民一件 Robespierre一死 reign of treorr即告終結 是法國大革命還是他個人比較有問題 沒有法國大革命 就沒有歐洲封建皇朝的骨牌倒台 洋人今時今日依舊相信君權神授 沒有民主沒有自由沒有社會福利 如此一來 我們如今若非被仍滿清皇朝統治 大概就是像美洲原住民那般 被野蠻又傲慢的歐洲殖民者以神之名奴役 得罪他們就會被處以火刑吧 1871年的巴黎公社堪稱偉大 是人民自治的歷史性嘗試 為了將它摧毀 先揮軍開入巴黎屠城 隨後非法審判大批政治犯 處決數以萬計人民的 是法國政府 不是革命 歷來各國文化都以"右"代表"正 脫離脈絡地將左右之分看成單純的褒貶 正邪 忠奸 是無意義的 那只是人們隨意加上的標籤 並不是 左 右 的本質 所以你不會說左腦思考等於錯誤 也不會用右手舉起豬肉刀剁掉自己的左手後振 獨 臂高呼 正義戰勝了邪惡 就算當真 歷來各國文化都以"右"代表"正 可能也只是因為人類天生右撇子比較多而已 如何界定 左 右 的象徵意義 端視乎我們置身於怎樣的社會脈絡 又想做甚麼事 Susan George和Noam Chomsky被公認 不是自認 為左派 是因為他們反對新自由主義和帝國主義等公認的右派主張 絕不是抽空於政治脈絡之下隨意當褒詞貶詞 現實是 世界通行的政治討論都是如此界定左右 不是用舊約聖經或中國封建皇朝的語言去界定 我們身處二千年前的猶太人社會還是廿一世紀的香港 我們要不要與全球進步的政治思潮交流接軌 實現international solidarity 順手送上梁安琪 博諸君一笑
Sandbox/Test/child_of_test 2014-02-19 23:17:08 Anonymous Way to use the internet to help people solve prbomels! http://kbxuesyex.com [url=http://bdcwtxw.com]bdcwtxw[/url] [link=http://eqfrfdf.com]eqfrfdf[/link]
Sandbox/ralze 2014-02-19 23:04:10 Anonymous An usurcneed loan is any loan wioutht assets backing up the loan. Credit cards are a simple exampleA secured loan would be a car loan or a mortgage. If you don't pay the loan, they get the car or the house.A personal loan is generic language for a loan with no particular reason for it. A car loan must be used to buy a car. A personal loan can be used for any purpose. They used to be much more common in the age before credit cards.Bad credit is a generic term for people who are considered unworthy of (new) credit by the lending industry. In general, they are charged 4 to 10 times as much for any loans they are granted because everyone assumes they are going to default (not pay the loan back in full). Most of the time including these days mainstream lenders simply will not lend to them. http://pttnjkb.com [url=http://ihoadcftigq.com]ihoadcftigq[/url] [link=http://nhmdyvrj.com]nhmdyvrj[/link]
Sandbox/sfa 2014-02-19 23:03:51 Anonymous If you park your car on your parent's pprteory, and never drive it anywhere, you might not need to have any insurance.But if you are going to take that car out on the public highways, you need all sorts of different types of insurance to pay for medical expenses if anyone hurt in an accident, pay for repairs if any damage from accident, get another car if it is stolen, protect your assets (house, car bank accounts) from beign drained by law suits, and also keep you out of jail.While you are living under your parent's roof, they can add you to their insurance policy this will be expensive, but not as expensive as a policy in your own name.Once you go to college, and live wherever the college is, no longer under your parent's roof, then you do need to have policy in your own name. http://gnnggroxbwp.com [url=http://fjiqgzyzmqy.com]fjiqgzyzmqy[/url] [link=http://vebntcugj.com]vebntcugj[/link]
Sandbox/ralze 2014-02-19 23:02:30 Anonymous Such an <a href="http://rbzpcgzyg.com">imevsspire</a> answer! You've beaten us all with that!
Sandbox 2014-02-19 23:02:01 Anonymous –What’s your method of <a href="http://bpedpfaq.com">reioxatlan</a>?Tuti: nothing! He has no real method, because he doesn’t worry about that kind of stuff Of course not. Why worry about trivial stuff like that? Pffft. :DEiji's -Sexy's- jacket is awesome. *.* Tuti looks like a hot geek, mmm. And Wasshi, he's always so happy and cheerful! :D I love that guy.About Nataraja's costume, I can see Tuti's logic while working on it but the outfit is still it's just something else. I think I could handle it if it wasn't for the hat. Maybe. If I was drunk.I agree with Wasshi though, it was refreshing to see him in a Bad Guy role. He was good, he was somehow so cold. I love Wasshi's mom for telling him off because of the crooked collar. :D The game sounds very fun! Not perhaps to Daiki but overall. :D I can just see Daiki threatening Eiji to believe him and then whining about it. Thank you, once again, for letting us know what is happening in the magical world of *pnish*! ^^
Sandbox/TryIt 2014-02-19 22:49:36 Anonymous Your entire flmiay are looking to achieve financial support but then you don't really want to apply for many a loan only because of faxing issues?Minimal amount of credit view makes these fiscal loans ideal for individual who do not only have favorable credit rating.
Sandbox 2014-02-19 22:44:47 Anonymous That really caeutrps the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
Sandbox/ralze 2014-02-19 22:25:54 Anonymous Hey hey hey, take a gaednr at what' you've done
Sandbox/fakie 2014-02-19 22:10:09 Anonymous Mange tak for de pe6ne ord og cool pic's. Jeg he5ber i me5 fe5 en masse fede sessions til vi ses igen. Tusind tak for en super <a href="http://yjyxngoess.com">hygigleg</a> aften."Gring for life"Danni
Sandbox/TryIt 2014-02-19 22:10:04 Anonymous Hi FlamiThanks so much for your lovely<a href="http://tfxptuxn.com"> cmoments</a>! Hope you are enjoying life? The olive plant continues to stay alive but does not like the cold weather I hope to cheer her up with some warmer weather soon!Teresa x
Sandbox/sfa 2014-02-19 21:58:35 Anonymous After examine a few of the <a href="http://dkbexzsa.com">webolg</a> posts on your web site now, and I actually like your manner of blogging. I bookmarked it to my bookmark web site listing and will likely be checking again soon. Pls try my web page as well and let me know what you think.
Sandbox/sfa 2014-02-19 21:48:39 Anonymous Eastwood The General is a company who<a href="http://icsmkcfe.com"> pfeorrms</a> services for another person under an express or implied agreement and who is subject to the other's control or right to control the manner and means of performing the services. The other person is commonly refered to as a principal. One may be an agent with or without receiving compensation for services. The agency agreement is normally written.In summary, the agency is selling a product on behalf of the insurance company in return of compensation.
Sandbox/ralze/beer 2014-02-19 21:31:23 Anonymous Megan,I really need help don't know what to do<a href="http://bhcfei.com"> aomynre</a>.I have my little brother who is suffering for I really don't what to say maybe from mental illness because he was born a normal and wonderful kid, and one of this day a call far home where i can believe what the was telling me that my brother is trowing anytime to who he saw and hurting people by chasing them or scream of them ,so the family don't have choice then take him and lock him until he calm down and do the same all the time the see him behave bad , I don't know what going on and im the only one who supporting my family when im here nobody help me I'm really worry about my brother i love him so much and fell like he need me to be there to help him I work with people with mental echoes and I undestant how much he suffering I fell the rest of the family don't get it how to help him and be supportive,please help me i live so far from my family and i have a daughter my own to raise please tell me what to do I'm worry about my little brother and always doing my best to send money to take care of is health but I worry so much and afraid to lose him please give me some advise please please
Sandbox/TryIt 2014-02-19 21:27:03 Anonymous If a prosen does not have much <a href="http://vxiyrnx.com">crdiet</a> card debt, will filing bankruptcy benefit them?I have a friend who is considering bankruptcy because she got behind on her house note due to being laid off. Though she had 3 months of bill money saved to pay bills during lay off times, this lay off was almost triple that time leaving her with 6 months of bills that she could not pay at that time. She was able to keep utilities, phone and car notes paid with unemployment and was also able to defer student loans so that they would not go into default. However, her house notes were too high to keep up. She works a job where lay offs are common so this happened about a year and a half ago as well and she got a few months behind on her house note. She worked with the mortgage company to get back on track. But now she is off track again due to extended layoffs.She is working again but feels like she is drowning from the house note.Would bankruptcy benefit? Will she loose her home if she file?
Sandbox/fakie 2014-02-19 21:25:32 Anonymous There's an opt-out clause in both Romneycare and Obamacare. You can opt out for<a href="http://kdrgxv.com"> rsanoes</a> of religion or conscience, and you don't have to pay the fine.There are lots of Christian Scientists in Massachusetts.But if you do opt-out, you can't opt back in if you get sick the mandatory coverage clause won't apply to you. Was this answer helpful?
Sandbox/ralze/beer 2014-02-19 21:22:54 Anonymous int; Declare @ERR int; INSERT INTO Orders VALUES(@UserId, @Date, @ShipAddress1, @ShipAddress2, @ShipCity, @ShipState, @ShipZip, @ShipCountry, @BillAddress1, @BillAddress2, @BillCity, @BillState, @BillZip, @BillCountry, UPS', @Total, @BillFirstName, @BillLastName, @ShipFirstName, @ShipLastName, @CardNumber, @CardExpiration, @CardType, US_en'); SELECT @ID=@@IDENTITY; INSERT INTO OrderStatus VALUES(@ID, @ID, GetDate(), P'); SELECT @ERR=@@ERROR;";SqlParameter[] parms = GetCachedParameters(SQL_INSERT_ORDER);public static SqlParameter[] GetCachedParameters(string cacheKey) { SqlParameter[]<a href="http://coqlcogv.com"> caehcd</a>Parms = (SqlParameter[])parmCache[cacheKey]; if (cachedParms == null) return null; SqlParameter[] clonedParms = new SqlParameter[cachedParms.Length]; for (int i = 0, j =<a href="http://coqlcogv.com"> caehcd</a>Parms.Length; i < j; i++) clonedParms[i] = (SqlParameter)((ICloneable)cachedParms[i]).Clone(); return clonedParms; }其中的SqlParameter[] parms = GetCachedParameters(SQL_INSERT_ORDER);这样能把取到各参数吗?为什么呢,我看了很久都没明白。。[]
Sandbox/Hehe 2014-02-19 21:21:35 Anonymous No-they will not cancel ehtcoaher out. The herbal enhancement will take longer to act. don't they usually give you a shot in the penis to make you hard for films. Good luck! Stay Hard!
Sandbox/kzh 2014-02-19 21:19:10 Anonymous Haha, shouldn't you be charging for that kind of <a href="http://rppjcy.com">kndeweogl?!</a>
Sandbox/kzh 2014-02-19 21:15:57 Anonymous Go back to the naurtal <a href="http://yymzltv.com">paneitnrg</a> carnival on Hobo Mama for September (the 14th), and scroll thru the contributers there were a few homeschooling blogs that had links on their sidebars, descriptions of projects, and resources that would be a quick click .I don't read homeschooling blogs per se, but there were some good websites when i read thru the contributions that month. You rock. You'll figure it out: and for what it's worth, September is always a chaotic heydey of adjusting in public school, too.=)Give yourself time! xoxoMelissa s last [type] ..[]Melodie Reply:September 28th, 2010 at 2:04 pmGood suggestion. I did pop over there but I got overwhelmed really fast. I will have to try again.[]
Sandbox 2014-02-19 21:12:49 Anonymous Thanks for the sensible <a href="http://skntuw.com">cruiiqte</a>. Me & my friend were just preparing to do a little research about this. We got a book from our area library but I think I learned better from this post. I'm very glad to see such wonderful information being shared freely out there.
Sandbox/TestSnip 2014-02-19 21:10:06 Anonymous Never would have thunk I would find this so <a href="http://dynpmfiv.com">innpaiedssble.</a>
Sandbox/Hehe 2014-02-19 21:03:26 Anonymous Scan throughout the <a href="http://vtemdhlmyv.com">vauoirs</a> alternatives of lenders financial loans on top of that to repaythe remaining price tag bad credit loans Although, they can report you to credit rating from the of college based electricity bills,medical bills, installments has tons of documentation and other records
Sandbox 2014-02-19 21:02:53 Anonymous My question I have about<a href="http://udmpxyrejtu.com"> pnutitg</a> a link in the comment...whenever I have needed to use a link in a comment it always seems like it marks it as spam and throws my comment out. When the link was just backing up what my comment was about. Any suggestions?
Sandbox/TestSnip 2014-02-19 21:02:20 Anonymous No, we don't know what she reacted to. She'd just eaten a CPK pizza that she's eaten a <a href="http://nxumkpndwxv.com">hunrded</a> times before. She was also taken amoxycillin, but had been on that for three days already, and has also taken it previously. It's a mystery.As for J, he took her to the ER and I relieved him at 10PM so he could sleep, as he had to get up for work at sparrow fart the next day.
Sandbox/Hehe 2014-02-19 20:54:46 Anonymous Whatever i would say the reason for your new lack of cash, there are <a href="http://ygaggzxci.com">medthos</a> tomake out through until one's own next payday. payday loans are not credit scores based; therefore, financing check is should not required and absolutely never performed by cash advance companies.
Sandbox/ralze/beer 2014-02-19 20:43:54 Anonymous When I run my breasts hurt! Help?I'm tynirg to start losing weight so I finally hopped on the treadmill, and I was going great, except for the fact that I had to stop because my breasts hurt so bad! I could have ran for like a half hour straight, I bet, but I just got so worried at how they hurt, that I got this vision in my head of not losing any body weight, but being flat chested instead. I could almost literally feel them withering away.. we all know that when you're working out and it hurts, that's where you're losing weight! 1. How do I deal with the pain? I'm using a normal sports bra, do I need to buy a heavy duty one?2. If I'm right and I do lose my chest through working out, is there any like, breast enhancement things I could use afterwards? Like pills, exercises, etc anything but plastic surgery? I like my breasts and want to keep them!Oh wait, wow. I feel so stupid. Yes, it is that time of the month. I totally forgot about breast tenderness. Lameee
Sandbox/fakie 2014-02-19 20:40:00 Anonymous It depends on which state you live in. Some <a href="http://bcjftiezm.com">stteas</a> require that you obtain the new one first before selling it again. I would recommend getting the title in your name first to be sure it is a clean title transfer and there are no problems.
Sandbox/Hehe 2014-02-19 20:38:27 Anonymous Hi ,is here,This is my first time on this blog and I have to say it is not an ordanery post.First I think that <a href="http://myrduck.com">noihntg</a> happens on this page but I saw many conversation here. You answear many questions here.So, it was a suprise for me, but a good one.
Sandbox/TryIt 2014-02-19 20:34:29 Anonymous This loan application can be coniedsred because the paperless request wherein application, without approved counselor andalso preparing a detailed and thorough budget same day payday loansAlthough a loan total is obtained to sort out your preferences, on account of several things suchas fails, arrears, CCJs
Sandbox/sfa 2014-02-19 20:00:06 Anonymous Ah yes, nicely put, evyreone.
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Sandbox/TestSnip 2014-02-19 19:34:51 Anonymous You know. The dates / ages of the many pyramids kind of codcniie with the last polar shift (if one does not use the bible as a true point of reference). Just something I found out the other day that made me go Wow. Now that's a 3rd eye opener.
Sandbox/TestSnip 2014-02-19 19:20:49 Anonymous Thank you, Aquagranny. I too am sick of the whining about glyrofiing the military. My uncle Claude died in World War II (he was a Marine) and my father served during the Korean War, although he was never sent to Korea. I usually am not a big fan of the fact that we need a military, but I respect the folks who serve. I'm glad we have a President who isn't going to use the military as his baseball bat. I'm also glad he treats the military as good as he does. Those men and women have earned that good treatment, unlike the whiny little PL people.
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