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Board » General » Feature Discussions » List of active monitors

In my message board I've created a template tag that displays active monitors for user and allows him to switch them off. I've used this tag in profile edit page, template: community/profile_edit.html:
{% show_active_monitors user %}

I wonder if something like that should be added to SCT? It might be template_tag like mine, or something that uses signals for profiles.

What do you think?

My code is:
def show_active_monitors(context, profile_user):
    user = context['user']

    if user==profile_user:
        monitors = Monitor.objects.filter(Q(thread=None)|Q(thread__is_hidden=0),
                                          user = profile_user,
                                          group = get_current_group()
        monitors = Monitor.objects.none()
    return {'monitors':monitors}
register.inclusion_tag('common_utils/_show_active_monitors.html', takes_context=True)(show_active_monitors)

Template _show_active_monitors.html:
{% load i18n %}
<h4 class="small_title">{% trans "Forum monitoring - e-mail notifications" %}</h4>
<table class="formatted-table">
{% for monitor in monitors %}
      <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
      <td>{% if monitor.thread %}
          <b>{% trans "Thread" %}</b>: {{ monitor.thread }}
          {% else %}
              {% if monitor.category %}
                  <b>{% trans "Category" %}</b>: {{ monitor.category }}
              {% else %}
                  {% trans "Whole board monitoring" %}
              {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
          {% if monitor.thread %}
              <a href="{% url sphboard_toggle_monitor "thread" monitor.thread.pk %}">{% trans "disable" %}</a>
          {% else %}
              {% if monitor.category %}
                  <a href="{% url sphboard_toggle_monitor "category" monitor.category.pk %}">{% trans "disable" %}</a>
              {% else %}
                  <a href="{% url sphboard_toggle_monitor "group" 0 %}">{% trans "disable" %}</a>
              {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
{% empty %}
      <td>{% trans "You're not monitoring any thread yet" %}</td>
{% endfor %}
that would be a really cool feature to have in the profile.. although i'm not sure if it's better to use signals to embed it right into it, or just create a second view?
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
that would be a really cool feature to have in the profile.. although i'm not sure if it's better to use signals to embed it right into it, or just create a second view?
So what about just putting a {% show_active_monitors ... %} templateTag into profile_edit.html like I did at ekrawiectwo.net?
IMO this is very good place to display this information (better than another view) and also it is easy for developers to put this tag elsewhere.

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