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Board » General » Make Sticky Lock Thread Move Thread without giving superuser

I want to allow for user that he can do [Make Sticky ] [ Lock Thread ] [ Move Thread ]
but as for i understand it not possible if i not set that user privilage a superuser in admin-module. But exist or not way that it possible without giving it?
these are moderator functionality which are only meant for privileged users, not for normal users.. hence.. they are restricted for certain roles/permissions .. e.g. it makes no sense to let users set their threads to 'sticky' . as everyone would do it ..
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I agree with you in common things but if i have people as moderator forum who can services only forum and i don't want give them all a priviledge because superuser give it. What is solve this situation?
have you tried to give the moderator rolegroup the permissions 'sphboard_sticky' and 'sphboard_lock' ?
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
Yes I give all privilege which have in list. :(

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