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You are editing an old version: By Anonymous at 2014-02-18 09:36:35
Dear Dr SnakeMy case will not end up in the civil court, and nor will 99.9% of clinical neilngegce claims involving the private work of surgeons and the clinics, as they are invariably settled (some with gagging clauses). Whilst emotionally-charged posts can be easily discounted and discredited, the ones that do the most damage and make uncomfortable reading for the surgeons, involve repeat failures on multiple patients, especially if theycome accompanied by photographic evidence (which clearly has not been posted by an individual that was not psychologically equipped' to handle surgery in the 1st place etc). These are the ones that everyone clambers to remove. My post was deliberately worded to include snippets of my postconsultation letters and was anything but emotional, but it caused distress'. What we need, on the web (and it will break through sooner or later like a tsunami) is a Robert Peston type to shake up the industry as a whole, to make it understand that it is ACCOUNTABLE.We can start with small steps: e.g. I am sure you are aware that any surgeon acting in a private capacity in the UK and in control of handling personal data and privy to confidential information must legally register (and this is annually) with the Information Commissioner's Office as a Data Controller. Yet over 75% of surgeons don't bother.It doesn't seem to concern them that being found in breach of these regulations carries a fine of a35k + costs in the Magistrates' Court and automatic notification to the GMC. So, if surgeons do not feel the urge to get the small things right, how do we start the process of standardising preop preparation, insuring that we operate within a framework where proper consent is sought, and the crunch question of personal integrity, where the ego is put to one side and there is some sort of acceptance that maybe, just maybe, some surgical procedures are beyond the scope of a individual's abilities. -Dear Dalek,I do respect your opinion, but I don't see how registering as a Data Controller or not may change my skills in the operating theatre.You do not have to settle a case, if you are not happy with the settlement. The fact that the majority of cases is settled before reaching a court is a sign, to me, that surgeons are mostly willing to accept their responsibilities without discussion.I agree that not all surgeons are perfect and there are bad apples around, but I am not sure they are as difficult to spot as you are saying. We could add stricter rules and change the regulations, but nothing will ever work better than talking to different surgeons, investing time and, I am afraid, money, before deciding to go ahead with one doctor.Snake
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