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Title Diana, I am so sorry That's really <a hre
Date 2014-02-18 15:40:30 2014-02-18 15:45:16
Editor Anonymous Anonymous
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2014-02-18 15:40:30 by Anonymous / Edit this version
2014-02-18 15:45:16 by Anonymous / Edit this version
t1Diana, I am so sorry I missed your bihtrday yestert1That's really <a href="http://evqmlwp.com">thkinin
>day!  We got such a HUGE snowstorm here, and I was>g</a> of the highest order
> so beat when I finally got in from work last nigh 
>t after driving 2 hours.  Then I remembered today. 
>  It looks like it was a really fun bihtrday, thou 
>gh!  All that smoke cracked me up.  Your son is SO 
> CUTE!  I am glad it was a joyous occasion! 

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