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Board » General » Installation on a clean Windows XP system

I'm using Windows XP and having trouble getting Sphene installed. This is my first Python experience, so I'm starting from scratch.

These are the steps I've taken so far:

1. Install Apache/MySql. (I installed XAMPP Lite.)
2. Install Python v2.6 to C:\Python26
3. Append "C:\Python26" to my Windows "Path" environment variable.
3. Install mod_wsgi (mod_wsgi-win32-ap22py26-3.0.so).
4. Append ../apache/conf/http.conf:

LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi-win32-ap22py26-3.0.so

5. Run a Hello World test from the mod_wsgi site for "http://localhost/mysite". It works.
6. Install Django; appears in C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\django.
7. Install Python Imaging Library (PIL); appears in C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\PIL.
8. Install PyCrypto; appears in C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\Crypto.
9. Unzipped Sphene to C:\...\My Web Sites\sphene
10. ???

Now what do I do? Your documentation says:

"You need to add sphenecoll/ to your python include path and static/ needs to be served from your django installation. (static/sphene/ is enough)"

Let's break that down:

1. "add sphenecoll/ to your python include path"

How do I do that? In the Python command line:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append('C:\...\My Web Sites\sphene\communitytools\sphenecoll')

Is that right?

2. "static/ needs to be served from your django installation. (static/sphene/ is enough)"

What does that mean? Copy "../static/sphene" into "../django"? That seems wrong?

Also, don't I have to create an "apache" directory under "C:\...\My Web Sites\sphene" to hold files such as "__init__.py" and "sphene.wsgi"? If so, what should the contents of sphene.wsgi be?


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